Recently, a Palo Alto man was allegedly robbed at gunpoint at the apartment complex where he lives, according to a news article in the Examiner. On Saturday morning February 9 at approximately 8:45, the victim pulled his car into the carport at the apartments which are located in the 1000 block of Tanland Drive. As he parked his vehicle, he noticed a man nearby who he described as “pacing back and forth.” As the man got out of his vehicle, the suspect appeared suddenly from behind a wall; this is when according to the victim, the suspect pointed a black semi-automatic pistol at his stomach after pulling it from his waistband.
Investigators claim that the victim was ordered by the suspect to get back into his vehicle and to hand over his wallet. The victim did both, and the robber fled on foot. Authorities do not know who the alleged robber is, but have released a sketch of the man in an effort to identify him through the public’s help. After fleeing the scene on foot, the suspect was last seen running near the basketball courts in Greer Park in a southbound direction.
Lt. Zach Perron of the Palo Alto police stated that there were no injuries during the altercation, and that no arrests had been made.
News reports also state that police were investigating, and that they were curious as to whether the individual who committed this robbery may be the same individual who robbed a couple in the 300 block of Ramona Street on January 22. Police began to suspect it may be the same person after comparing descriptions of the suspects in both cases, which were similar. The suspect is described as a black man approximately 5 feet 8 inches tall, thinly built and likely in his late 20s or early 30s. When last seen he was wearing a grey tracksuit with a hood pulled over his head.
San Mateo armed robbery attorneys know that this is a serious felony offense which will leave those convicted facing harsh criminal penalties. In the state of California, Penal Code 12022.53 or “10-20-life ‘use a gun and you’re done'” law means that using a gun in the commission of a robbery, even if you did not fire the gun, will leave you facing ten years in prison. If the gun is fired, the individual will face 20 years in prison. Additionally, because robbery is considered a violent felony offense, an individual may receive a strike on his or her criminal record, which means an enhanced sentence for any subsequent felony offense conviction.
If you or someone you know has been charged with armed robbery or any violent crime, it is critical that you contact a talented San Mateo criminal defense lawyer for skilled legal guidance and support.