Russian Hill, a neighborhood in San Francisco, is normally a safe, comfortable area offering a sense of security. Recently, however, a woman was robbed and beaten while walking the streets in the neighborhood. Understandably, she was horrified.
According to news reports, the 27-year-old woman was walking at approximately 10:30 p.m. near Greenwich and Larkin streets. Police said that the woman, who was not identified in news reports, was sprayed with pepper spray by a man attempting to blind her. When the pepper spray did not work on the woman, the suspect punched her in the head and face area. She declined medical attention, although she reportedly did suffer redness and swelling in the facial area.
During the attack, the victim’s purse was stolen along with her MP3 player, cash, identification and credit cards. It was reported that the suspect then ran to a waiting vehicle and fled. The vehicle was thought to be an American model which was tan in color.
As of Tuesday, August 21 police were still hunting for two suspects, who they believe to be in their early 20s. No arrests had been made at that time. This was not the only event of the evening, however. On the same night, a 22-year-old victim in the Ingleside district was robbed of his cell phone after being punched as he was walking. A man sitting in a coffee shop in the Tenderloin around 4:40 p.m. was also robbed of his cell phone as he sat in the back of the shop. News reports do not say whether police believe the incidents are related.
San Francisco criminal defense lawyers know that the consequences for robbery can be extremely severe, even when excessive or extreme force was not used in the commission of the crime. Any time an individual attempts to take property which belongs to someone else, whether or not physical force is used, you commit the crime of robbery. Even the threat of force can lead to a conviction and the subsequent penalties.
If you have been arrested for assault or robbery whether innocent or guilty, it is critical that you consult with a qualified San Francisco robbery defense attorney at once. The sooner you contact an experienced lawyer, the more time he or she will have to begin work on a strong defense strategy.