A 28-year-old Redwood City woman, Sandy Delgado, was arrested on Saturday after coming under suspicion for several incidents of grand theft and forgery in connection with a family she had worked for over the past several years. San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office deputies made the arrest following a two week investigation in which they discovered numerous counts of forgery and grand theft which had taken place over a four year time span.
Sheriff’s deputy Rebecca Rosenblatt said that the investigation into Delgado began in mid-January, after police learned from the family that she was suspected of stealing from them. Delgado worked in the capacity of a nanny and a housekeeper for the Fair Oaks community family.
Police originally began investigating incidents which had taken place over the past 18 months, when they discovered that the grand theft and forgery had been going on for approximately four years. News reports state that Delgado was in custody in the San Mateo County Jail on $950,000 bail.
In California, grand theft is defined under Penal Code 487 PC as the unlawful taking of someone else’s property with the value of that property being more than $950; this can apply to the total value of property taken over a one-year time period. Additionally, an individual may be charged with grand theft regardless of the value of the property if that property is a firearm, automobile, specific animal (horse, pig, sheep), or property actually on a person or in his/her clothing or container in that person’s possession. San Mateo fraud attorneys understand the serious criminal penalties which may be imposed on an individual charged with grand theft, and the negative implications to his or her life.
Grand theft may be charged as a felony or misdemeanor, depending on the individual’s past criminal history and the circumstances surrounding the case. Even when charged with a misdemeanor offense, the penalties can be severe if convicted. In fact, you may spend up to one year in jail; for a felony conviction, you may be imprisoned for up to three years, if there are no aggravating factors that may lead to an enhanced sentence.
Individuals who are under investigation for or have been charged with grand theft or forgery should consult with a capable San Mateo criminal defense lawyer right away.